Delta Engine Blog

AI, Robotics, multiplatform game development and Strict programming language was hacked :(

Omg! Are we famous or what? Doesn't make any sense. was hacked a couple of hours ago. This is how the site looked like (all other,, etc. sites were also affected):

A couple of days ago some russian guy did spam the Wiki Strategy Guide Section on, the full story (in german) can be found here in the AW boards.

This has NOTHING to do with the Arena Wars game server, any other service, server or website from exDream or ArenaWars, it was just the website (and only the start page) which got affected. The site is restored now, but sadly the security isn't because I have no direct access to that computer, but the Server administrator has been informed.

I already have a guess how this could have happend, but until can't tell you right now! All I can tell you that some russian guys were involved, I got some log entries, emails und urls, but that won't help my in any way I guess.

If you like to talk about this, please go to this thread in the ArenaWars boards.