Delta Engine Blog

AI, Robotics, multiplatform game development and Strict programming language

Delta Engine Private Beta v0.8.6 released

There have not been much news on this blog about the Delta Engine because everything you need to know can be found at

Last week we released one of our last internal beta versions v0.8.6 (we almost got 1000 participants and around 400 active beta testers, which are very nice numbers for us, web trafic is also skyrocketing since a week). The last private beta v0.8.7 is coming next week already. And in exactly one month the first ever public version (v0.9.0, still beta, but very functional already) will be released, which allows you do do simple and complex .NET development with ease and deploy your game or application on a huge number of platforms and devices (iOS, Android, WP7, Xbox 360, Web, Windows PC, Linux, MacOS, etc.).

More updated news about our projects SoulCraft and ArenaWars 2 can also be found in our new Delta Engine Forum.

Hope you like it :)