Delta Engine Blog

AI, Robotics, multiplatform game development and Strict programming language

Rocket Commander Beta-Test

The internal Beta-Test for Rocket Commander started this week. I'm happy to hear everyone is enjoying the game. Even I'm surprised that the game is more fun than I thought 2 weeks ago. Sorry for not posting a new screen last week, you will get 2 nice screens this week instead :)

The website for the game and online highscores will be finished up this week too. A couple of minor bug fixes did drive me a bit mad today, like copying a 1 week old level file into the beta instead of the real updated one, omg ^^

Don't ask me when the game and sourcecode are available for the public, I just don't know yet. You may have to wait till January/Feburary until VS 2005 is released here in germany (since the game and sourcecode is included with the product, cool ehh?).

More on the Rocket Commander website in a couple of days when everyone is trying to archive the highest highscore.

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