Delta Engine Blog

AI, Robotics, multiplatform game development and Strict programming language

C# Edit and Continue is here to get me

Yeah! I already read last week on Dan Fernandez's Blog that E&C for c# is comming now for sure and will be available this week sometime.

I hadn't had the time to check back on that, but while adding blogs for the blogroll I saw there is even a Visual Studio c# Express Version (free download) with the new E&C feature: Check it out here: VS 2005 Downloads
Warning: You have to uninstall all vs express and vs 2005 preview version (including all sql, msdn, etc. stuff) to get this thing to work, see the readme. More Information here at Dan Fernandez's Blog

Nice nice, this feature will rock my world! I've already tried it out and it works quite nice, declaring public variables or changing any GUI element is not possible and it crashes sometimes, but other than that this feature already rocks.